Nexol Africa Consultants

‘Unlock Potential’

Are you worrying about Digitization? you know you have to digitize but you just don’t know how? Do you feel your organization is stuck in manual processes and you have no control? Do you wish to serve your clients better but think there is a rift between you and your clients? Your projects don’t seem to move or if they move, they don’t seem to deliver desired goals?

Our Services

Project Management

Project Management is one of our key specialties. Our Team comprises all levels of Project Managers that are highly skilled in Projects of various magnitudes and Complexity. Are you busy planning on implementing any kind of project, ranging from large scale, enterprise-wide projects to small projects deploying frontline initiatives? we can assist you efficiently accelerate your projects to completion.

Our Project Management consultants can come in at any stage of the project and get working to enhance implementation. Our approach is sensitive to the fact that every organization looks, behaves differently hence our solutions are crafted in sync with each organisation’s uniqueness. We also assist organizations setup Project Governance, methodologies and Program Management office to help you manage Strategic and Business as Usual Projects. Let us help you by use of best practice BPM Methods and Solutions to Define your problems, Measure the extent of your problem and craft lasting and tailormade solutions. Talk to us to tailor your Project Management or Program Management Solutions

Business Process Management Service

We can assist you identify your need to analyze, optimize and redesign processes in turn improving on your efficiency and productivity. To help you assess your need for BPM services, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your company have a backlog of paperwork, documents and reports?
  • Is it almost difficult finding documents, whether physical or electronic?
  • Do your employees waste time do repetitive and bureaucratic tasks?
  • Is it difficult for your staff to exchange information and collaborate?
  • Do you have a lot of systems that are not talking to each other?
  • Do you find it difficult to access data, trends, statistics and productivity information?
  • Do you find yourself not trusting the reports that you get?
  • Do your customers complain about delays, mistakes or irrelevant services?
  • Is it difficult to change or innovate in your organization?

Oh yes you can see where we are going with this? If your answers are mainly yes to the above questions then its time to talk to our highly experienced Process Experts that have years and years of assisting businesses reform into high performance organizations. At NAC, we tailor-make solutions that suite the needs of our clients and even more. Contact us to discuss more about out services.

Digitization and Automation

The buzz word in business today is digitization, not to mention the gold-rush to digitize. Yet many organizations and boards find themselves asking themselves with no answers, what needs to be digitized, by whom, to what extent and why? Wise Managers are talking to experts like NAC to assist with articulation of the digitization strategy and benefits. At NAC we understand that Digitisation is more than automation but is an enterprise strategic focus that assist Business Processes achieve the overall goal to maximise shareholder value and return. Our Team has worked on high impact, high focus Digitisation projects in Southern Africa.

Business Analysis and Business Model & Solution Architecture

You have battled with your ICT Projects; they don’t seem to deliver to your expectations or otherwise in some instances the teams do not understand what to do. You invested in top IT skills and top business skills but still you can’t seem to get desired and relevant ICT Solutions. In most cases this is because of the absence of Business Analysis skills. Our NAC Business Analysts help you to bridge the gap between ICT skills and functional skills. We will help you with understanding your functional needs and to articulate them into Usable ICT language to assist with formulating the right ‘tailormade solution’. Talk to us at NAC and we will assist you understand your business ICT needs, craft them into the right solutions and requirements for easy ICT implementation. Let NAC Business Analysts assist you craft the right ICT solutions that suite your business needs.

User Experience and Customer Journey Mapping

The dangers with most businesses are focusing on internal processes and limitations at the expense of customers and their needs. You have designed processes that you are happy with but forgot to ask yourselves this question – ‘how is your client experiencing your services’ Let us at NAC assist you with just that, i.e. to understand all your customer touch points, the journey that your customer goes through in order to interact with your organization and the ease with which they interact with your interface with them. We will assist you look at the effectiveness of interaction. Let us help you craft the most effective customer journey and user interface that will leave your clients addicted to your services

Market Research & Data Analytics

Let us help you understand your clients and market better, we can get into the market with our modern data extraction tools and extract the most critical feedback and market analysis necessary to assist you with decision making. Again, our highly experienced experts will assist you to look at your data and establish trends and useful patterns. Contact us for these services.


Our Story

At NAC, we believe no company is the same, no project is the same, no process or culture is the same. Each organization is unique with its own DNA. This is why we tailor make solutions that 'unlock potential' our Team of experts has experience in process review, research, digitization, implementing and advising revolutionary projects and initiatives. We take time to understand your Business DNA and together we can craft life changing innovations especially that is now needed in this Digital revolution. Contact us to discuss further.

Our Vision

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Mission Statement

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Our Values

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Key Contact Details:


+263 779 709 302

+263 719 709 302


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